Our mission is to showcase all things creative. Visit us often to find updates on new releases, author spotlights, art, photography, and poetry, along with anything else that catches our fancy!
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Our Story
Jeremy Harper has been playing D&D since childhood. As a teenager he began combining rules from different editions to come up with his own house rules. Since a "Sage" is a person you would seek out for wisdom and advice, Jeremy titled his house rules "Sage's Edition". This led to his desire to publish his own set of game rules. As he began researching the process, and the publishing industry in general, he learned several things. Besides discovering just how many talented, but unpublished, creators there are out in the world, he also discovered that getting published doesn't necessarily mean you are going to be treated fairly. His continued research led him to The Author's Guild website and their Fair Contract Initiative. Jeremy had always planned on starting his own business once his career as an Air Force officer concluded. What a perfect opportunity to create a publishing company that partnered with creators rather than viewing them as a commodity! In January 2020, Jeremy left the military and
Sage's Tower Publishing was born.
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